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- There are two known bugs in CALLIGRAPHER font editor version 1.0 and
- these manifest in fonts created with it in some circumstances.
- The first bug is if a "NEW FONT" is created without using an exiting
- font as the font template, then the fontname will be misaligned by one
- byte. This will create a problem using Availfonts() in the operating
- system failing to recognize the fontname and will load a new copy
- everytime that font is called for by a program. In the worst case,
- PROWRITE calls Availfonts() every half-second and continually loads
- copies of the font until all 10 megs of ram is filled, causing an
- out-of-memory crash.
- THE CURE IS "FONTREPAIR"!!! FontRepair includes directions within
- itself, so even without these instructions you can always know how to
- use it if you have it. FontRepair works only from CLI. You use it by
- typing FontRepair on a CLI line, followed by the fonts you want
- repaired, in the following syntax:
- 1> FontRepair -DFn:fonts
- ^
- |
- Where "n" = number of drive where the fonts
- directory is located.
- ********************************************************************************
- (WARNING ON COMMAND ENTRY!! The instructions above are misleading!
- (To see the set built into FontRepair itself, enter: 1> fontrepair in
- CLI.) We re-directed those program instructions to ramdisk and copy
- them below. They're not easy to follow. They assume (but don't say)
- that FontRepair is in the C directory (or on Fonts disk) and that CD
- is set to the Fonts disk.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Font Repair by Edward Kilham
- (c) Inter/Active Softworks 1987
- Usage: FontRepair [(-)files]
- Example: FontRepair fonts/topaz fonts/ruby -colorfonts
- fonts/topaz indicates a single font set to be fixed.
- -colorfonts indicates a directory of font sets to be fixed.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Even these instructions are incomplete and dangerous. They say
- nothing about CD or which disk the fonts are on. To see how robust
- the program was if we made errors in the command line, we tried a
- few variations with the commands (we wanted to fix a single face,
- dropcaps 54). Commands improperly given will at best fail and at
- worst crash you. Here's what happened with FontRepair in ramdisk:
- ram:fontrepair -df1:dropcaps Fails to UNABLE TO CONTINUE READING
- ram:fontrepair -df1:dropcaps/54 Ditto
- ram:fontrepair -df1:fonts/dropcaps GURU!
- ram:fontrepair -df1:fonts/dropcaps/54 GURU!
- ram:fontrepair -df1:fonts Screens and fixes every font in FONTS.
- 1. You must NOT use that prefixed dash to fix a single font in
- a FONTS directory. Here's an example of a proper command, with
- FontRepair in ramdisk and the font we want to fix (DROPCAPS) in a
- font directory on drive 1:
- 1> ram:fontrepair df1:fonts/dropcaps [Works]
- 2. If you do it the following way, the program fails or GURUs.
- 1> ram:fontrepair -df2:fonts/dropcaps
- 3. The prefixed dash is used ONLY when you want a whole directory
- of fonts checked and fixed in one pass, as in:
- 1> ram:fontrepair -df1:fonts [screens and fixes ALL fonts
- in the Fonts DIR of drive 1]
- 1> ram:fontrepair -df1:colorfonts [screens and fixes all
- fonts in DIR colorfonts]
- 4. If the program works properly, it delivers a message: "Analyzing
- SuchAndSo font". If that message doesn't appear and all you see on
- screen is a copyright notice, the program failed. When you screen an
- entire FONTS directory, the program will name each font it analyzes.
- If it doesn't do that, it has failed.
- I hope this additional information helps others.
- Dick Barnes
- Editor
- Amigan Apprentice & Journeyman
- ********************************************************************************
- FontRepair is PUBLIC DOMAIN and should be distributed as widely as
- possible!
- The other bug known to Calligrapher publisher is: Conversion of fonts
- from "Fixed Width" to "Proportional Width" is one way only and
- permanent! A proportional width font will never act as a fixed width
- font again! Fonts smaller than 32 point limit of FONTED on the 1.2
- Extras disk can be loaded, toggle "fixed width" on, and save back to
- disk.
- Both bugs are fixed in Calligrapher 1.05, which has passed testing.
- There are significant improvements added to the new Callig 1.05 disk,
- like a "FontMover" program which displays, fixes, repairs, and moves
- fonts from one disk to another. All the separate utilities have been
- combined in one program, especially useful to users of Workbench only,
- with one disk drive and 512K of memory.